Python Kivy Tutorial – Creating Switch

In this Python Kivy Tutorial  we want to learn Creating Switch in Kivy, Kivy is powerful Python framework for building cross platform user interfaces, including mobile and desktop applications. in this article we want to talk that how to create a switch in Kivy, switch is a widget and you can use that for toggling between two states.



This is the complete code for this article




In the above code first we have imported kivy.



Next step is to create a switch using Switch class. the constructor takes no arguments, in here we are creating a switch and after that adding it to a widget using add_widget method.




The final step is to add functionality to the switch. we can do this by binding a function to the switch on_active event, in here we are creating a function called on_switch_active that takes two arguments, switch that triggered the event and its new active state. inside the function we check whether the switch is on or off and print a message.





Run the complete code and this will be the result

Python Kivy Tutorial - Creating Switch
Python Kivy Tutorial – Creating Switch






How do you make a button in Kivy Python?

For creating a button in Kivy Python, you need to import the Button class from the kivy.uix.button module and add it to your layout or widget.



What is Kivy used for?

Kivy is an open-source Python library, and it is used for developing multi-touch applications. It is particularly good for creating cross-platform applications that run on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, and Raspberry Pi. Kivy is used for building different types of applications like:

  • Mobile apps
  • Games
  • Interactive simulations
  • Data visualization tools
  • GUI applications




What are the system requirements for Kivy?

The system requirements for running Kivy is this:

  • Operating System: Kivy supports Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS and Raspberry Pi.
  • Python Version: Python 3.6 or higher is recommended.
  • Dependencies: Kivy has several dependencies, which are typically installed automatically when using a package manager like pip. These dependencies include:
    • cython
    • sdl2
    • glew
    • gstreamer
    • pil
    • numpy


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