How to Create Tables and Models in PyQt5

In this PyQt5 article we want to learn aHow to Create Tables and Models in PyQt5, PyQt5 is popular Python library for building GUI applications, it provides functionality for working with tables and models. in this article we want to talk about the power of tables and models in PyQt5.


Before talking about tables and models, it is good to understand the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern. In PyQt5, tables and models are typically implemented using the MVC architecture. we can say that model represents the data, the view displays the data, and the controller handles the communication between the model and the view.


So now let’s start our example, in this example we are going to create an empty table view with window.




If you run the code, this will be the result.

How to Create Tables and Models in PyQt5
How to Create Tables and Models in PyQt5



For populating the table view with data, you need a table model. PyQt5 offers QAbstractTableModel class, you can sub class from this class for creating custom models, because using that class you can implement the necessary methods like rowCount(), columnCount(), data() and headerData().

In the above example, we have created a custom model subclassed from QAbstractTableModel. after that we implements the necessary methods to define the number of rows and columns, and we provides data for each cell, and set the headers for rows and columns.



This is the complete code for adding data, this example creates MyTableModel class that subclasses QAbstractTableModel. after that it implements the necessary methods (rowCount(), columnCount(), data() and headerData()) to define the structure and content of the table. QTableView widget is used to display the table, and the MyTableModel instance is set as the model for the table view.




Run the code and this will be the result

How to Create Tables and Models in PyQt5
How to Create Tables and Models in PyQt5




Learn More on PyQt6 Widgets:





How do I create a table in PyQt?
For creating a table in PyQt, you first need to import the necessary classes from PyQt5, such as QTableView and QAbstractTableModel. After that you can define a custom model by subclassing QAbstractTableModel to provide data for the table. and at the end set the model to a QTableView instance using the setModel() method. This allows you to display the table in your PyQt application.



How do I create a menu in PyQt?
Creating a menu in PyQt involves several steps. First, we need to import the necessary classes from PyQt5, such as QMenu, QMenuBar and QAction. After that we need to create instances of these classes to define your menu structure. Add actions to the menu items using addAction(). And lastly add the menu bar to your QMainWindow instance using setMenuBar() to display the menu in your PyQt application.



How to create GUI using PyQt?
For creating a graphical user interface (GUI) using PyQt, you can follow these steps:

  • Import necessary classes from PyQt5, like QMainWindow, QApplication, and different widget classes.
  • Create a QApplication instance to manage the GUI application’s event loop.
  • Create a QMainWindow instance as the main window for your application.
  • Add widgets like buttons, labels and text fields to the main window using layout managers like QVBoxLayout or QHBoxLayout.
  • Customize the appearance and behavior of widgets using properties and signals/slots.
  • Display the main window using show() method and start the application’s event loop using exec_().

Using above steps, you can easily create a GUI using PyQt for your Python applications.

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