How to Create Custom Widget in TKinter

In this article we want to learn How to Create Custom Widget in TKinter, when it comes to Python programming language, you have different options for building GUI Applications and TKinter is on of them, Tkinter is powerful GUI library for Python that provides different types of widgets for creating desktop applications. also there may be instances where you need custom widget that is not provided by Tkinter. In such cases you can create your own custom widget using Tkinter Canvas widget. In this article we will learn how to create custom widgets with Tkinter.



First of all let’s talk about TKinter Canvas, Canvas widget is powerful widget that allows you to draw shapes, images and text on canvas. it provides platform to create custom widgets using the drawing functions provided by Tkinter. to get started, you need to import the Tkinter module and create Canvas object:

This code creates a window with canvas of width and height of 500 pixels.



Drawing Shapes in TKinter Canvas

Canvas widget provides different methods to draw shapes on the canvas. these are some commonly used methods:

  • create_line: Draws line on the canvas.
  • create_rectangle: Draws rectangle on the canvas.
  • create_oval: Draws an oval on the canvas.
  • create_polygon: Draws polygon on the canvas.



This is an example for drawing rectangle on the canvas:




Run the complete code and this will be the result.

How to Create Custom Widget in TKinter
How to Create Custom Widget in TKinter




Creating Custom Widgets in TKinter

Now that we know how to draw shapes on the canvas, we can use these shapes to create custom widgets. this is an example code to create custom button widget:

This code creates custom button widget by subclassing the Canvas widget. __init__ method creates yellow rectangle and adds text “” to it. It also binds the left mouse button click event to the button_click method.



In this article, we have learned how to create custom widgets with Python. we used Canvas widget to draw shapes and create custom button widget. with this knowledge, you can create your own custom widgets and add them to your desktop applications. Tkinter provides  powerful platform to create custom widgets and extend the functionality of your desktop applications.




Run the complete code and this will be the result

How to Create Custom Widget in TKinter
How to Create Custom Widget in TKinter



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