How to Build Weather App with Python TKinter

In this lesson i want to show you How to Build Weather App with Python TKinter, so if you want to build weather app with tkiner, then you need to follow different steps, but first of all let’s talk about TKinter.



What is TKinter?

Tkinter is Python library, and it is used for building graphical user interfaces (GUIs). TKinter provides different widgets that you can use for building windows, buttons, menus and other interactive elements for Python applications. Think of it as a toolbox that helps you design and organize the visual aspects of your programs, and this makes TKinter more user-friendly and engaging. TKinter is already packed with Python installation, so you don’t need to install TKinter separately.



These are the steps that you need to follow for building weather app in Python TKinter.

  1. Import the necessary modules such as tkinter, requests and json.
  2. Creat a class for the weather app that inherits from the Tkinter Tk class. In this class, you can create the layout for the app, including the widgets such as labels, entries and buttons.
  3. Fetching weather data using the requests module and an API key from a weather service such as OpenWeatherMap.
  4. Parsing the json data returned by the weather service and displaying it in the app’s layout.
  5. Creating event handlers for the buttons in the app, such as a “Get Weather” button that would trigger the data fetching and parsing process.




This is is an example of a basic weather app in tkinter:


This code creates a Tkinter window with a label, entry field and a button. When the button is clicked, get_weather() function is called, which gets the location entered by the user, this method makes an API call to OpenWeather API by passing the location and API key. After that it parses the JSON response and updates the temperature and conditions labels with the information returned by the API.

Please note that you need to sign up and get the API key from OpenWeather API website in order to use it, otherwise the API call will not work.

Also, you need to have requests library installed, otherwise you will get an import error, you can install it by running pip install requests.




Run the code and this will be the result

How to Build Weather App with Python TKinter
How to Build Weather App with Python TKinter




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