How to Build Python GUI with PySimpleGUI

In this lesson we want to learn  How to Build Python GUI with PySimpleGUI, PySimpleGUI is Python package that makes it easy to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for your Python programs. this is an example of how to create simple GUI using PySimpleGUI:



  1. First, install the PySimpleGUI package using pip:



  1. Next, import the package:



  1. Now, create layout for your GUI. You can use the sg.Layout method to create layout using the element types provided by the package, such as buttons, text boxes and labels. for example:



  1. Create the window by calling sg.Window method and passing in the layout title for the window and any other optional parameters you want to specify. for example:



  1. Use read method to handle user input and events in the window. for example following code will display the window and wait for the user to click the OK or Cancel button:



  1. Use an if statement to check the value of  event variable, and then perform the appropriate action based on the button that was clicked. for example:



  1. Close the window with close() method


This is just basic example of how to create GUI using PySimpleGUI. you can also add more elements to your layout, create custom styles for your elements and handle more complex events and user input.


You can find more information about PySimpleGUI on the package’s website, which includes documentation and a lot of examples.




Run the complete code and this will be the result 

How to Build Python GUI with PySimpleGUI
How to Build Python GUI with PySimpleGUI







How do I create a GUI in PySimpleGUI?

Creating a GUI in PySimpleGUI is straightforward. You start by defining the layout of your GUI using a list of lists, where each inner list represents a row of elements. After that you create a sg.Window object with the defined layout. After that, you read events and values from the window using and handle user interactions accordingly. Finally, don’t forget to close the window when done.



How to build GUI using Python?

For building a GUI using Python, you have several options, including Tkinter, PyQt, wxPython and PySimpleGUI. With PySimpleGUI, you can quickly create GUIs with a simple and easyAPI. First, you need to install PySimpleGUI using pip (pip install PySimpleGUI). after that, follow the documentation and examples provided to define your GUI layout and handle user interactions.




What can you do with PySimpleGUI?

PySimpleGUI is a Python GUI framework that allows you to create desktop applications in easy way. With PySimpleGUI, you can build different types of GUI applications, including simple utilities, data visualization tools, image processing applications, games and more. It provides different GUI elements and functionalities to suit different project requirements.

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