Python PySide6
About Lesson

In the previous lesson we have learned that how we can create our first window with PySide6 In this lesson we want to talk about Python PySide6 Window Type Classes.


PySide6 provides different types of window classes for building different types of windows in desktop applications. these are some of key window type classes that are available in PySide6:

  1. QMainWindow: This is main window class in PySide6 and provides a standard main application window with a menu bar, toolbar, and status bar.
  2. QDialog: This class provides a dialog box that can be used to display messages or prompt the user for input.
  3. QMessageBox: This class provides a pre-built dialog box for displaying informative or error messages to the user.
  4. QFileDialog: This class provides a dialog box for selecting files or directories from the file system.
  5. QInputDialog: This class provides a dialog box for prompting the user to enter a value.
  6. QProgressDialog: This class provides a dialog box for displaying the progress of a long-running operation.
  7. QDockWidget: This class provides a widget that can be docked to the edges of a QMainWindow.
  8. QSplashScreen: This class provides a splash screen that can be displayed while the application is loading.
  9. QTabWidget: This class provides a widget that can display multiple tabs, each with its own set of content.


we can say that PySide6 provides rich set of window type classes that can be used to build  different types of desktop applications, from simple dialog boxes to complex main application windows. By leveraging these classes, developers can create applications that are both powerful and intuitive to use.



These are examples of using QDialog and QMainWindow in PySide6:
