What is Python Function Syntax

Let’s talk What is Python Function Syntax, so Python is popular and powerful programming language that has a lot of popularity among developers over years. in this article we want to talk about Python Function Syntax.



  1. Multiple Return Values

In Python it is possible to return multiple values from function by separating with commas. this is powerful feature, and it is used to simplify code and make it more readable. 




This will be the result

What is Python Function Syntax
What is Python Function Syntax



  1. Lambda Functions

Lambda functions are anonymous functions that can be created on the fly. they are useful for simple tasks and can be defined in single line of code like this.




This is the result

Lambda Function in Python
Lambda Function in Python




  1. Python Recursive Functions

Recursive functions are functions that call themselves. they can be used to solve complex problems and they are powerful functions. 




This will be the result

Recursive Function in Python
Recursive Function in Python




  1. Python Function Annotations

Function annotations are a feature introduced in Python 3, Using that you can add metadata to function arguments and return values. they are optional, but can be useful for documenting code and improving readability. 




This will be the result

Python Function Annotations
Python Function Annotations





  1. Decorators

Decorators are powerful feature of Python, and using that you can modify behavior of a function without changing its code. they are used extensively in frameworks such as Flask and Django. 

In the above example we have defined decorator my_decorator that adds some behavior before and after the execution of a function. after that we have used @my_decorator syntax to apply this decorator to my_function function.

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