Python Plotly Dashboards

In this Python Plotly tutorial we want to learn about Python Plotly Dashboards, as you know that data visualization is one of the important points for insights and making informed decisions. and also Python is one of the popular programming languages, that has a lot of libraries for data visualization, and one of them are Plotly.



What is Python Plotly ?

Python Plotly is an open-source Python library, and it is used for creating interactive and publication-quality visualizations. It offers different chart types, including line plots, scatter plots, bar charts, pie charts and 3D plots. With Plotly, you can easily customize your charts, add annotations, and create interactive dashboards for data exploration and presentation.


In this tutorial, we are going to also use Dash Framework.



What is Python Dash ?

Dash is Python framework for building web applications, and it is used on creating interactive data visualization dashboards. It is built on top of Flask, Plotly and other libraries, also it provides a simple and efficient way to create web-based applications with interactive components.


Now we need to install Dash and Plotly.




This is the complete code for this article




In the above code first we have imported the required libraries.



The line data = creates a sample dataset using the Iris dataset from Plotly Express. This dataset will be used to generate the scatter plot.



The Dash app is initialized with the line app = Dash(__name__).



The layout of the dashboard is defined using app.layout. It includes an HTML H1 element for the title, a dcc.Graph component with an id of ‘graph’ to display the scatter plot, and a dcc.Dropdown component with an id of dropdown to allow the user to select the x-axis variable for the scatter plot.



@app.callback decorator is used to create a callback function named update_chart. It takes the selected value from the dropdown as an input and outputs a figure to update the scatter plot.




Inside the update_chart function, a scatter plot is created using px.scatter. x parameter is set to the selected value from the dropdown, y is set to species and color is set to species as well. This creates a scatter plot with the x-axis representing the selected variable, the y-axis representing the species and the points colored by species.





Run the code and this will be the output

Python Plotly Dashboards
Python Plotly Dashboards




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