Python NLP – Wordnet And Synsets in NLTK

In this Python NLP article we are going to learn about Wordnet And Synsets in NLTK,

Wordnet is a dictionary or word database for English language and it is mostly used for

Natural Language Processing(NLP). and Synset is used for searching of the words in the Wordnet.

Some of the words have only one Synset and some have several.




Learn How to remove Stopwords in Python NLTK.




Let’s check the Synset of hello word.




If you run the code you will see that we have just one Synset for hello word.




Now we can find the definition and examples for this hello word.





If you run the code this will be the result.





As i have said some of the words have only one Synset and some have several. now we

are going to check the clear word and you will see that there are different Synsets for the clear






So if you run the code, you will see that there are different Synsets for the clear word.





You can find the definition for the specific Synset.





Let’s just find the definitions in a range.






So run the code this will be the result.





Finding Antonyms | Python NLP – Wordnet And Synsets in NLTK

In this example we are going to learn how to find antonyms in Wordnet. so Antonyms are

words that have contrasting, or opposite, meanings, for example good and bad.






Now if you run the code, this is the result and the antonyms of bad is good, goodness.


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