Python Control Structures

In this Python article we want to learn about Python Control Structures, so as we know that Python is popular programming language and it provides different control structures for program flow management. Control structures helps us in making decisions and executing code based on certain conditions. these structures provides a way to control the flow of program execution.

In this article we want to talk about different control structures that Python provides and how they can be used.



  1. Python if-else statement

Python if-else statement is one of the most commonly used control structures in Python. Using that you can make decisions based on certain conditions.

This is the syntax of if-else statement:



For example you want to check if a number is even or odd. you can use Python if-else statement for this:




This will be the result

Python Control Structures
Python Control Structures



  1. Python for loop

Python for loop is another commonly used control structure in Python. and using that you can iterate over a sequence of values and execute code for each value.


This is syntax of the for loop:




For example you want to print the elements of a list. you can use for loop to like this:




This will be the result

Python Control Structures - For Loop
Python Control Structures – For Loop




  1. Python while loop

Python while loop is another control structure that allows you to execute code repeatedly as long as a condition is true. this is the syntax of the while loop:



For example you want to print numbers from 1 to 5. you can use while loop like this:




  1. Python break and continue statements

Python break and continue statements are used to modify the behavior of loops. Using break statement you can exit a loop prematurely, and continue statement allows you to skip over certain iterations of a loop.



For example we want to print numbers from 1 to 10, but we want to skip number 5. you can use the continue statement like this.




  1. Python try-except statement

Python try-except statement is used to handle exceptions that may occur during program execution. it allows you to catch and handle errors without causing the program to crash.


This is syntax of the try-except statement:



For example if you want to read a file but the file does not exist. you can use try-except statement to handle this:



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