PyQt5 Tutorial: Create Python GUI Applications with Qt

In this PyQt5 Tutorial we are going to learn about Create Python GUI Applications with Qt, when you want to build GUI applications with Python, there are different and powerful libraries that you can use for building Python GUI Application, one of them are PyQt5,



What is PyQt5?

PyQt5 is Python module that allows you to create desktop applications with graphical user interfaces (GUI) using Qt framework. Qt framework is powerful and widely used C++ toolkit for building cross platform applications with native look and feel. In this tutorial we will learn how to use PyQt5 to create Python GUI applications with Qt.



How to Install PyQt5?

Before we start building our python applications with PyQt5, we need to install the module. you can install it using pip by running this command in your command prompt:




PyQt5 Tutorial – Build Basic GUI Application

For creating basic PyQt5 application, first of all we need to import necessary modules and create QApplication object, QApplication manages the application’s event loop and handles user input. we also need to create QMainWindow object which serves as the main window for our application.

This code creates basic application with main window that is initially hidden. the sys.exit() function is used to exit the application when the user closes the window.



Run the code and this will be the result

PyQt5 Tutorial: Create Python GUI Applications with Qt
PyQt5 Tutorial: Create Python GUI Applications with Qt




Adding Widgets to PyQt5 Window 

Now that we have basic python gui application window, we can add widgets to it. PyQt5 provides different widgets that we can use to create our user interface. this is an example code to add label widget to the main window:

This code creates label widget with the text “” and adds it to the main window at the position (50, 50). setWindowTitle() function is used to set the title of the main window, and the setGeometry() function is used to set its size and position.




Run the complete code and this will be the result.

PyQt5 Tutorial: Create Python GUI Applications with Qt
PyQt5 Tutorial: Create Python GUI Applications with Qt




Handling User Events in PyQt5 (Signals & Slots)

In PyQt5 we can handle user events such as button clicks or keyboard presses using signals and slots. Signals are emitted when particular event occurs and slots are functions that are executed in response to these signals. this is an example code to handle button clicks using signals and slots:

This code creates button widget with the text “Click Me” and adds it to the main window at the position (50, 50). button_clicked() function is executed when the button is clicked and it show a text in the label. clicked signal of the button is connected to the button_clicked() slot using the connect() function.




Run the code and this will be the result

PyQt5 Signals and Slots
PyQt5 Signals and Slots




Layout Management in PyQt5

Now let’s integrate layout management in our example, Layout management in PyQt helps in arranging widgets inside window dynamically. Instead of explicitly setting the position of each widget, you add them to layouts, and the layout manager takes care of their positioning and resizing based on predefined rules.

In this modified example:

  • We have created QWidget as the central widget of the QMainWindow.
  • We have created QVBoxLayout to arrange widgets vertically.
  • Both the button and label are added to the layout.
  • The layout takes care of positioning and resizing the widgets.
  • When the button is clicked, the label text changes as before.




Run the code and this will be the result

PyQt5 Layout Management
PyQt5 Layout Management



In this article we have learned how to use PyQt5 to create Python GUI applications with Qt. we have started by installing the module and creating basic application window. after that we added widgets to the window and learned how to handle user events using signals and slots, also we have talked about layout management. 



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