In this PyQt5 article i want to show you creating of QProgressbar With QThread Practical Example, also we are going to use QThread class for this article. A progress bar is used to give the user an indication of the progress of an operation and to reassure them that the application is still running.
What is PyQt5 QProgressbar ?
QProgressBar widget consists of horizontal or vertical bar that fills up gradually to indicate the progress of a task. it is often used in applications that involve time consuming operations, such as file uploads or downloads, software installations or any other process that may take a while to complete.
QProgressBar widget can be customized to display different colors, fonts, and sizes. It also provides various properties and methods that allow developers to control its behavior, such as the minimum and maximum values, the current value, and the orientation of the bar.
Overall, the QProgressBar widget is a useful tool for providing visual feedback to users on the progress of a task and can help make applications more user-friendly and intuitive.
Also you can read more Python GUI articles in the below links
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication,QDialog,QProgressBar,QPushButton,QVBoxLayout
import sys
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt,QThread,pyqtSignal
import time
This is our thread class and this class extends from QThread, a QThread object manages one thread of control within the program. QThreads begin executing in run(). By default, run() starts the event loop by calling exec() and runs a Qt event loop inside the thread.
# Create a counter thread
def run(self):
After we create our Window class that extends from QDialog and in that class we add the requirements of our window like title, geometry and icon with QProgresBar and also a QPushButton. also we have used some style and design for our progressbar.
This will be the result of the code for the PyQt5 QProgressBar.
PyQt5 QProgressbar With QThread Practical Example
Advanced Customization Options for PyQt5 QProgressBar
Now let’s talk about some advances customizations options in PyQt5 ProgressBar.
Customizing Appearance of PyQt5 ProressBar with Style Sheets:
PyQt5’s QProgressBar widget can be customized using style sheets, and using style sheets you can modify its appearance to match the application’s design.
Style sheets enable customization of properties such as background color, progress bar color, border styles, and more.
This is is an example demonstrating how to customize the appearance of a QProgressBar using style sheets:
QProgressBar {
border: 2px solid grey;
border-radius: 8px;
padding: 1px;
QProgressBar::chunk {
background-color: yellow;
Adding Animations or Effects to PyQt5 QProgressBar
You can enhance the visual design of the progress bar by using animations or effects to provide more engaging user experience.
Animations can be added using PyQt5 animation framework or by adding external libraries such as QPropertyAnimation.
This is an example that shows how to add a smooth animation effect to the progress bar’s value changes:
This approach has significant drawbacks. For example, imagine you wanted to perform two such loops in parallel calling one of them would effectively halt the other until the first one is finished (so you can’t distribute computing power among different tasks). It also makes the application react with delays to events. Furthermore the code is difficult to read and analyze, therefore this solution is only suited for short and simple problems that are to be processed in a single thread, such as splash screens and the monitoring of short operations.
the best! Good forum.
your welcome
This approach has significant drawbacks. For example, imagine you wanted to perform two such loops in parallel calling one of them would effectively halt the other until the first one is finished (so you can’t distribute computing power among different tasks). It also makes the application react with delays to events. Furthermore the code is difficult to read and analyze, therefore this solution is only suited for short and simple problems that are to be processed in a single thread, such as splash screens and the monitoring of short operations.
The clearest tutorial I have found on this topic!