PyGame Tutorial – Detect Key Presses in Pygame

In this PyGame Tutorial we want to learn that How to Detect Key Presses in Pygame, so Pygame is popular game development library for Python and it offers easy framework for building interactive applications. when you are building games any other type of applications, than you will need an ability to detect key presses in Pygame.



How to Detect Key Presses in Pygame

You can install Pygame using pip command like this:




If you want to detect key presses in Pygame, we need to create a game loop that continually checks for events, including key presses. event loop is fundamental part of any Pygame application, and it is responsible for handling all the events that occurs during runtime.

Above code initializes Pygame, after that it creates Pygame window with specific width and height, also it sets window title. after that we have started the game loop and it will continuously checks for events until the user closes the window. pygame.event.get() function returns a list of all events that have occurred since the last time it was called. in this case we are only checking for QUIT event, which occurs when the user clicks the close button on the window.




If you run the code this will be the result

PyGame Tutorial - Detect Key Presses in Pygame
PyGame Tutorial – Detect Key Presses in Pygame






So now we have created our game loop and window, now it is time that we can start detecting key presses. we can detect key presses by checking for KEYDOWN event, KEYDOWN event occurs when a key is pressed, we can also checks which key was pressed by looking at the key attribute of the event object.

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