How to Create SpinControl in wxPython

In this wxPython article i want to show How to Create SpinControl in wxPython. wx.SpinCtrl combines wx.TextCtrl and wx.SpinButton in one control.     So This class supports the following styles: wx.SP_ARROW_KEYS: The user can use arrow keys to change …

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How to Create Tooltip in wxPython

In this wxPython article iam going to show How to Create Tooltip in wxPython. first of all let’s talk about wxPython Tooltip.     What is wxPython Tooltip? A wxPython tooltip is a small informational window that appears when the …

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Python OpenCV Face Detection Introduction

In this Python OpenCV article iam going to talk about simple Face Detection Introduction. so basically in this article we are using HaarCascade Classifier. Face Detection is a computer technology that determines the locations and sizes of human faces in …

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Python GUI ComboBox in wxPython

In this Python GUI tutorial i want to show you creating of ComboBox in wxPython. first of all let’s talk about Python ComboBox in xPython.     What is wxPython ComboBox? A combobox is like a combination of an edit …

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