Numpy Broadcasting in Python

In this article we want to learn about Numpy Broadcasting in Python, so Python is one of the most popular library in the field of data science and scientific computing because it has a lot of libraries and packages for this purpose. among these libraries, Numpy is one of the most powerful libraries for numerical computations, and one of the key features of Numpy is broadcasting. 



What is NumPy Broadcasting ?

NumPy broadcasting refers to the ability of the NumPy library to perform element-wise operations on arrays with different shapes, without the need for explicit loops. It simplifies array arithmetic by automatically adjusting the dimensions of arrays to make them compatible for element-wise operations.



Numpy Broadcasting Rules

To utilize NumPy broadcasting effectively, it is essential to understand about some rules of broadcasting. The following rules are applied sequentially until the arrays are compatible:

  1. Rule 1: Arrays with different dimensions are padded with ones on their left until their shapes match.
  2. Rule 2: Arrays with a size of 1 in a particular dimension are stretched to match the size of the corresponding dimension in the other array.
  3. Rule 3: Arrays with incompatible shapes result in a ValueError during the broadcasting operation.




Broadcasting Examples

Let’s create a few practical examples to illustrate the power of NumPy broadcasting


Numpy Scalar Array Broadcasting:



This will be the result

Numpy Broadcasting in Python
Numpy Broadcasting in Python



Numpy Array-Array Broadcasting:




This will be the result

Numpy Array Array Broadcasting
Numpy Array Array Broadcasting




Numpy Higher-Dimensional Broadcasting:




This will be the result

Numpy Higher Dimensional Broadcasting
Numpy Higher Dimensional Broadcasting




Learn More on Python Numpy



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