How to Print Array using Java For Loop

In this Java article we are going to learn How to Print Array using Java For Loop, An array

 is a container object that holds a fixed number of values of a single type. The length of an 

array is established when the array is created. After creation, its length is fixed. 




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In this example we are going to create an integer array, after that we print the array using

Java For Loop.






In here we have created our array.





We have printed the array using a for loop.





Now if you run the code this will be the result.





Also you can create array from type of String.






If you run the code this will be the result.





Also you can use for each loop to iterate over arrays, it is an enhanced version of the for loop. the Java for-each loop  was introduced since J2SE 5.0. and it is another way to iterate over arrays in Java, and the main usage is for traversing the array or collection elements. the best advantage about for-each loop is that it makes code more readable.






If you run the code this will be the result.


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