How to Install Modules in Python

In this article we want to talk How to Install Modules in Python, Python is powerful programming language, and one of the best thing about Python is this that it has different open source libraries and modules. so Python modules are pre written pieces of code that extends the functionality of Python, and they are essential for building complex applications quickly.



What is Python module?

Before we dive into the installation process, first of all let’s talk that what is Python module?  so we can say that module is a file containing Python definitions and statements. module can define functions, classes and variables and also it can include runnable code.

Python modules can be builtin, it means that they are included with Python interpreter, or third party modules, which are created and maintained by Python community. you can download and install third-party modules from different online repositories, such as PyPI it is Python Package Index.



How to Install Modules in Python?

Installing Python module is easy and simple, there are several ways to do it. these are three commonly used methods:



1. Install Python Modules with pip

Easiest way to install Python module is by using pip, it is package management system, and it is used to install and manage Python packages. Pip comes pre installed with Python 3.4 and later versions, so you don’t need to install it separately.

for installing the module using pip, open your terminal or command prompt and run this code, you can replace module_name with the name of the module you want to install. 



For example to install PyQt6 module, you can use it like this.




2. Install Python Modules with conda

Another popular package management system is conda, and it is used for package management in data science, machine learning and scientific computing. Conda is particularly useful when you deak with complex dependencies and managing virtual environments.


For installing a module with conda, you can open your terminal or command prompt and run this code, you can replace module_name with the name of the module you want to install. 



For example, if you want to install Pandas module, you can use it like this.




3. Manual installation

If you want to install Python module manually, you can download the source code from module official website or repository, and then install it using this command:

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