How To Create Frameless Window In PyQt5

In this post want to show you How To Create Frameless Window In PyQt5,  also we are going to use QSizeGrip for resizing the Frameless Window In PyQt5. the QSizeGrip class provides a resize handle for resizing top-level windows. this widget works like the standard Windows resize handle.



What is Frameless Window In PyQt5 ?

frameless window in PyQt5 is a window widget that does not have the usual window decorations such as a title bar, minimize/maximize buttons, and borders. instead it provides  completely customizable and clean interface that allows developers to design windows with unique shapes, sizes, and styles.

with frameless window developers have complete control over the window’s appearance and behavior. They can create custom title bars and buttons, add transparency effects, and create non-rectangular windows with rounded corners, irregular shapes, and so on.

To create a frameless window in PyQt5, you can use the setWindowFlags method of the QWidget class and set the Qt.FramelessWindowHint flag. This flag indicates that the window should have no frame and no decorations. You can then customize the window using the setStyleSheet method to apply styles, colors, and other visual effects.



Also you can read more Python GUI articles in the below links




First we need some imports.




After that we are going to create our main Window class that extends from QWidget. and in the constructor of the class we need to add some requirements of the window like set window title, window icon and window geometry.




In here we are going to set the flags for our window. and we using frame less window.



Also every PyQt5 application must create an application object. 




Finally, we enter the mainloop of the application. The event handling starts from this point. 




Run the complete code and this will be the result.

How To Create Frameless Window In PyQt5
How To Create Frameless Window In PyQt5
















Complete source code for How To Create Frameless Window In PyQt5




This is another example for PyQt5 Frameless Window

This code creates simple window with custom title bar, close button and some content. it also adds custom border with rounded corners to the window using the paintEvent method. you can modify this code to add more customizations and effects to your PyQt5 frameless windows.



Run the code this will be the result

How To Create Frameless Window In PyQt5
How To Create Frameless Window In PyQt5

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