How to Create Excel Files with Python

In this article we want to learn how to Create Excel Files with Python, as you know that Python is popular programming language, you can use Python for different tasks, like working with Excel files. and there are different Python libraries, that you can use for working with Excel files, One popular library for writing data to Excel files in the older .xls format is xlwt. In this article we are going to explore what xlwt is, how to install it and some examples of how to use it in Python.



What is xlwt?

xlwt is Python library for writing data to Excel files in the older .xls format. It was created by John Machin and is currently maintained by Python Packaging Authority. xlwt allows you to create new Excel files, write data to them and control formatting. 



How to Install xlwt ?

For the installation of xlwt, you can use pip, simply open your command prompt or terminal and write this command.



Creating New Excel Workbook in Python

First of all let’s use xlwt to create new Excel file. You can do this by using Workbook() function. This is an example:

This code creates a new Excel file with one worksheet and store it in the workbook variable.




Writing Data to Excel Cell in Python

When you have created the worksheet, you can begin writing data to it. you can write string, number, or formula to cell using the write() method. This is an example:



Setting Cell Formatting

also xlwt allows you to control cell formatting, such as font, alignment and background color. This is an example:




Saving the Workbook

when you have finished writing data to worksheet you can save the Excel file using the save() method. this is an example:




This is the complete code 







Can I use Python with Excel?

Yes, you can use Python with Excel. There are several libraries available in Python that you can use for reading and writing to Excel files, manipulate data and automate tasks. Some popular libraries for working with Excel in Python are xlrd, xlwt, openpyxl, and pandas.



Can you combine Excel with Python?

Yes, Python provides different libraries for working with Excel files. You can use Python to automate tasks, perform data analysis, generate reports and manipulate Excel files in different ways. 

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