How to Add Images and Icons to Tkinter GUIs

In this article we want to learn How to Add Images and Icons to Tkinter GUIs, so first of all let’s talk about GUIs.




What is GUIs?

Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) is one of the important part of modern computing. because they allow users to interact with software and applications in user friendly way.


What is TKinter?

Tkinter is popular GUI library for Python programming language. It is simple to use, flexible and highly customizable. one of the important features of any GUI is the ability to add images and icons. in this article we are going to discuss how to add images and icons to Tkinter GUIs.



Adding Images in TKinter Window

Tkinter allows you to add images to your GUI using the PhotoImage class. PhotoImage class is used to display images in Tkinter window. this is is an example of how to add an image to Tkinter GUI:

In the above example first of all we have imported Tkinter module and created Tk object. after that we have created PhotoImage object and specify the path to the image file, and finally we added the image to Label widget and pack it into Tk window using the pack() method.

It is important to note that the PhotoImage class only supports few file formats, such as GIF, PNG and PPM. If you need to display other image formats, you can use external libraries like Pillow or OpenCV to convert the image to supported format.




Run the complete code and this will be the result 

How to Add Images and Icons to Tkinter GUIs
How to Add Images and Icons to Tkinter GUIs




How to Add Icons to TKinter Window

Icons are small images that represent an application or program. they are usually displayed in title bar of window or on the taskbar. Tkinter allows you to add icons to your GUI using PhotoImage() method. this is an example of how to add an icon to Tkinter GUI:

In the above example first we have created Tk object and set the window title. after that we set window icon using the PhotoImage() method and specifying the path to the icon file. 



Run the complete code and this will be the result 

How to Add Icon to TKinter Window
How to Add Icon to TKinter Window



In result we can say that Adding images and icons to Tkinter GUIs can enhance the user experience and make your application more beautiful and professional. In this article we have learned how to add images using PhotoImage class.


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